Offensive Canadians?
To we, truly offensive, -what my friends wife refers to as "neckish"- people, the idea is obviously absurd. But Canadian Human Rights Commissions think they've found one, and they mean to bring him into line. His crime of course was that he wrote a book that spoke rather poorly of islam, and otherwise acted like a bloody yank who thought that the US Const. applied to him. Nevermind that the Const. of we Yanks -I wonder if these Canadians have ever heard of the Mason Dixon- drew inspiration from a source common to the US and Canada. That might have given this Canadian the idea that his society would also value free speech. Some part of Canadian Society obviously still does. Covenant Zone plans to protest this prosecution and welcomes slogans for their rally. I would encourage anyone concerned with the state of free speech in the West to contribute as much as geography and talent may limit.
I'll again be a Newk's in Cahaba Heights at 7pm Thurs. to meet in public to discuss how susceptible my redneck paradise may be to death hippie/islamic encroachment.
I'll again be a Newk's in Cahaba Heights at 7pm Thurs. to meet in public to discuss how susceptible my redneck paradise may be to death hippie/islamic encroachment.