Thursday, June 21, 2007

Peace be upon him?

I'm not sure what to make of this but I've recently been informed that mohammad may have been the beneficiary of a "temple baptism" in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Can this be true? Surely I was told this in jest rather than confidence, but then those Mormons do like to baptize the dead.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Covenant South

Persons that dream of multicultural societies should avoid the conceit of being even more welcoming of foreign peoples than previous liberal societies while failing to recognize clear conflicts between cultures. The peaceful co-existence of cultures cannot rest entirely upon the assumption that all cultures are hollow. Neither can natural predilections toward assimilation and acculturation be denied. Its rather hard when someone shows you a new and better way of doing something to persist in honor of dead predecessors.

Existing in a Disney-like fugue of a small world filled with automaton barbarians, the actions of which are considered to just be part of the ride, does uplift no culture. Western societies are the current guardians of a better way. Whatever ideas that are brought before civilization are (at least they used to be) examined and either borrowed or rejected. We are already multicultural, but the gestalt culture does have, must have, fundamental unity. Americans need not be particular colors, nor even agree on all things, but some things are non-negotiable. We who have previously believed that all men, "created equal," have "unalienable Rights" to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," should be ashamed to see the prosecution of General Vang Pao.

"We live in a democracy, and this is about fighting communism," real estate agent Nhia Cheng Vang said. "I mean, if it was England or France that was the target, that's one thing. Then put him in jail. But not for fighting communists."

And we should be equally ashamed to see what the Bush administration will try to pass off as "a reasonable voice among extremists"

Extremists whether they believe in democracy or a new holocaust are prosecuted, while voices of moderation such as Fatah, who is commited to destroying Isreal more slowly than Hamas, and the Communist government of Laos, which has likely also pledged to reduce the number of Hmong they kill, are given US support.

I call on America to remember its great promise and strive to let the light of this "Land of Liberty," in its full fury, shine. So that a free peoples are again a threat to tyrants.

Begin by meeting other members of your society in public to discuss broken covenants, how they might be mended, and what intermediary covenants may need to created toward this renewal.

I'll be at Jim 'N' Nicks in Inverness Hwy 280, Bham, Al near the bar at 7pm Thursday. I'll have a "I read mohamed comics cap" and a blue scarve nearby.

Or if you happen to be in Vancouver,

Otherwise begin your own vigil.

1297, from O.Fr. covenant "agreement," originally prp. of covenir "agree, meet," from L. convenire "come together" (see convene). Applied in Scripture to God's arrangements with man, as a translation of L. testamentum, Gk. diatheke, both rendering Heb. berith (though testament is also used for the same word in different places). Covenanter (1638), especially used of Scottish Presbyterians who signed the Solemn League and Covenant (1643) for the defense and furtherance of their cause.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

OK, OK I'm a Covenanter, where do I sign?

I've been slow to actually adopt the language of discussing "covenants." When it was first mentioned I'd worried that those discussing "new covenants" might too quickly discard existing workable compromises -I still think the word "compromise" more realistic, even if less inspiring. I should have known better. Truepeers eloquently states the purpose of which, I have been some feet dragging and far removed supporter.

What makes Western culture what it is, is not something for which many Western
people have sufficient regard. What allows us Westerners, traditionally and
constitutionally, to rule ourselves instead of being ruled by a code of ritual
sacrifice, is something all too many take for granted. And what you take for
granted, you risk losing. And there are many signs we are losing a viable
self-ruling culture. These are the kinds of things we talk about every Thursday
because we want to help provide our friends the inspiration and resolve to go
out in our public life and make a difference there in any of many particular
actions that need to be carried on. Covenant Zone: a place to learn and network
about who we are, today, in this given historical time and place.

A covenant zone

Truepeers, Dag, Charles Henry and others meet in Vancouver. Notably less eloquent, I will be at Jim 'N' Nicks in Inverness, Bham, Al. at 7pm with a black "I read mohamhead comics" hat on, or actually on the table.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Ex-muslims on Dhimmitube

at 4:13
"With truth, the decent Muslims will leave Islam and with each Muslim that leaves, we gain a new soldier in out fight against terrorism."

Friday, June 01, 2007

Alabama Blog Carnival

I'm not sure what a blog carnival is, but the admission seems to be free. And, as it seems they'll publish me, you're in luck. They'll likely publish anything. Just fill in this form this evening with whatever you think people should know.

Update: And here it is. I don't have my speakers on so I don't know if he's playing "elephant walk" or not....or am I thinking of a circus?

Purpose, Preparation or Pertubation?

I have been in a public place (recently Jim 'N' Nicks) on Thurs evenings in order to discuss islam since it was first suggested by Dag. (who can be found posting with other blue revolution sympathizers at Covenant Zone. )

Last night madcow, pilgrim, an as yet blogless infidel, and I met and discussed the purpose for our meeting. It is true that cars parked in Alabama have a remarkably fireproof quality. And that muslims that can be met here are often unfailingly polite. None of that changes what islam fundamentally is or how it has revealed itself to others that are not so fortunate to live in Alabama. I do not speak only of what might be considered the muslim world, but also France, Denmark, Sweden, and Dearborn, Michigan.

The recognition that many Americans do not live directly next to a jihadist mosque did likely lead Christine of Center for Vigilant Freedom to suggest the support of forces-of-freedom-abroad. So perhaps, we might organise to raise funds and lend financial support to those more engaged than we by islamic encroachment.

Personally, I would like to expand the network of people in this state that are probably already concerned about islam. Such persons might tell me ahead of time when next Daniel Ali is scheduled to speak. I've seen only brief coverage on our local NBC affiliate after I'd already missed his speech.

And as much as it may seem that the threat does not reside here, I'm sure that memory of similar thought can be elicited from citizens of the above mentioned European countries and Dearborn.

Edit: (In this post I made an error of redunancy in this post that I didn't notice until reading the blurb of this post at 7.62justice. Way to keep me honest sniper. Thanks.)